Board of Directors Approved 10/04/07
September 9, 2007

Present: Williams, Hon. James. F. Moelk, Gerhardt, Fisher, Curtola, Machado, Hakenen, Tauber, Angen, Martin, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hotaling
Guest: Bill Fell

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

North East Bay Association of Country Clubs (NEB) – Bill Fell
Fell reported that the NEB quarterly meeting was held at GVCC on Tuesday, August 14, 2007. He presented a booklet which was distributed at the meeting containing reports by each club’s president on their activities since the last NEB quarterly meeting. The form of the booklet prepared by Capozzo was praised by the NEB president. Also included in the booklet was a statistical report of each club (ie., initiation fee, transfer fee, dues, number of memberships available for sale, etc.). The subject of this quarter's meeting was round table discussions on Membership Marketing, Member Participation in Club Events, and Club Governance.
GVCC also surveyed the NEB to see who had on a “golden” or “senior” class of membership and the criteria. A few clubs with a waiting list of buyers offered such a class of membership. The majority of the NEB clubs do not offer this class of membership.
The process of selling memberships was discussed. Each club’s process is similar to GVCC. No club lets the selling member match their membership with a buyer. To maintain the selling price, the clubs handle the transaction of sales. The guests attending the meeting gave positive comments on our facilities, golf course and staff.

Nominating Committee – Bill Fell
Chairman of the nominating committee; Bill Fell reported that the committee nominated four members in good standing as candidates for the 2008 Board of Directors. They are Bob Barnett, Guatum Vadlamudi, Doc Waslohn, and Mike Wray. Female members were contact but declined the nomination.

Minutes of August 2, 2007
Gerhardt motioned to approve, Fisher seconded. The motion carried.

General Manager’s Report
A meeting with front of house staff (servers, bussers, bartenders) has been scheduled. Capozzo encouraged the Board to send him an email with a list of items they would like addressed at the training meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
We are over budget in Operations largely due to the cancellation of a few golf tournaments. After some discussion, Capozzo will speak with each department and report to the Board on a plan concerning what items can be cut or reprioritized in the budget, and what effect it will have on the Club and the bottom line.

Wednesday Night Buffet
Capozzo requested to eliminate the last Wednesday of the month dinner buffet in an effort to control food costs. The Board agreed.

Solano Irrigation District (SID)
The project is on schedule.

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary Applicants: Burlison. Gerhardt motioned to approve, Fisher seconded. The motion carried.

Minimum Selling Price of Memberships
In an effort to stimulate the sale of memberships, the Board discussed removing the current minimum sales price of $15,000. The minimum sales price was originally set to help members who needed to sell as quickly as possible.
Hon. James F. Moelk motioned for no established minimum selling price, the transfer fee to remain at forty percent to the Club with a minimum $12,500 through the end of the 2007 year, Angen seconded, the motion carried. Effective immediately, all memberships on the selling list will have an opportunity to change their selling price if they so wish, without the usual waiting period restrictions.
Members will stay on the list according to the original date the membership was offered for sale.

Williams reported that the rental payment clause in the Sprint/Nextel contract has been amended so that the rental for subsequent five year rental periods was clear. He also sent an email to the Sprint/Nextel representative asking the following questions and is waiting for a response:
Would Sprint/Nextel be able to move the tower if erected prior to any renovation of the GVCC corporation yard?
Would Sprint/Nextel pay the cost for the relocation of the tower if the tower could not be relocated?
Gerhardt has been in contact with a company that manages tower sites and received helpful information. With the company he discussed the noise level associated with towers, and health issues. The low noise levels were similar to a residential a/c unit, and no health issues have been reported. Another concern from our members is a potential decrease of property value related with the tower. Gerhardt found no information to support or reject this concern.
Gerhardt motioned to sign the Sprint/Nextel contract subject to the relocation issues with the tower. Martin seconded, the motion carried (6 yes / 3 no).

Committee Reports
Green: Bunkers at 2nd Fairway: The meeting was held on the 2nd fairway to discuss the placement of the bunkers suggested by architect, Damien Pascuzzo to protect this hole from short hitters once the trees are removed. The plan as presented involves installing three new fairway bunkers on the green side of the creek, two on the left and one on the right. The estimated cost of the entire project: bunker installation, tree relocation and removal to be $18-20,000 and could be done by Ray’s crew. This is not in the 2007 budget. The best time for the project, if approved would be spring 2008. The committee is requesting Board approval to move forward with developing this plan. Machado motion to have the committee move forward, Angen seconded. The motion carried.
Jones Creek Bridge: Bids have been received from DHL Construction and are within budget for the Jones Creek Bridge. This work must be completed by October 15, 2007 per our permit from the Department of Fish and Game. Machado motioned to approve the DHL contract, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motion carried.
Golf: The committee received a member letter stating disappointment that the driving range was closed on an evening during the Men’s Invitational, and a concern on safety as the circle drive of the Mansion was filled with golf carts. A response was sent explaining the reason why the driving range is closed to the membership during the invitational, and the concern of golf carts parked at the Mansion will be forwarded to the Board for them to decide how to handle the much stated rule of “no parking in the Mansion driveway.”
Social: The Caribbean Night event went well. A dinner and DJ night is scheduled for September 21. The committee is encouraging each Board member to reserve a table of eight. There is discussion on changing the Sweethearts’ Ball theme to a Mardi Gras theme.
B&G: A proposal to look at drainage issues at the Tennis facility and Sidney Jones has been received (survey routing water past building, drawings). The committee requested approval to sign the contract with the consultant, Creegan & D’Angelo. Hakenen motioned to approve, Curtola seconded. The motion carried.
Finance: The committee received a member letter requesting that when a member plays in Club events that the charge for the food and beverage be applied to their quarterly minimum spending requirement. A letter was sent explaining that Club events are all inclusive without any breakdown of dollar value.

Tennis Incident
A letter has been sent to the member regarding an incident of inappropriate conduct at the Tennis facility. The member has not responded to the letter. The Executive Committee suggested to the Board a suspension of six to twelve months. After some discussion, Hon. James F. Moelk motioned that all charges and privileges be suspended for six months effective immediately. Tauber seconded, the motion carried.

It was determined that the person accompanying the above member is the son of a member. This individual did not participate in the incident, nor did he remove himself from the situation. Gerhardt motioned that a letter of censure be sent to the member regarding his son. Tauber seconded, the motion carried (6 yes / 2 no).

Delinquent Account
A letter was sent to the member that all charges and privileges are suspended. The member has not responded to the letter. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to declare this member financially irresponsible by the Board and to be expelled as a member. Gerhardt seconded, the motion carried.

Dress Code Violation
On Sunday, September 2, 2007 a Board member, while on the course reported a dress code violation at the #10 tee to a golf shop employee who was marshalling the course. This employee went to speak to the member and her guest to offer alternative apparel from the golf shop. In the Terrace later that day, the member who was approached by the golf shop employee came over to the member who reported the dress violation and used vulgar language regarding the incident. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to send a letter of reprimand regarding the use of vulgar language in a public place and a reminder that a member is responsible for the dress of their guest. Tauber seconded, the motion carried.

Machado motioned to adjourn, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motion carried.
9:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary